SupportCorner: How to delete an article?
If you want to delete an article, you can either delete from Articles tab or from Category.
An Article deleting from Articles tab under FAQ:
Select the article you need to delete. Click that Delete article on the top right side. (Deleted items cannot be reversed)

An Article deleting from Categories:
Select the Category of that particular Article you need to delete.
Click the Article to delete from the Title and navigate to Delete article on the top right side. (Deleted items cannot be reversed)
An Article deleting from Articles tab under FAQ:
Select the article you need to delete. Click that Delete article on the top right side. (Deleted items cannot be reversed)

An Article deleting from Categories:
Select the Category of that particular Article you need to delete.
Click the Article to delete from the Title and navigate to Delete article on the top right side. (Deleted items cannot be reversed)
Updated on: 28/09/2022
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